• 1 - How to Place an Order?
    To place an order, visit our website and follow the simple ordering process.
  • 2 - Modifying Placed Orders?
    Modifications to placed orders may have limitations. Contact support for assistance.
  • 3 - Order Completion Time?
    The time required for order completion may vary based on customization.
  • 4 - Order Tracking?
    Track your order status through our order tracking feature.
  • 5 - Payment Methods?
    We accept various payment methods, including credit cards and online transfers.
  • 1 - Privacy Protection?
    Your privacy is important to us. We follow strict privacy measures to safeguard your information.
  • 2 - Cookie Policy?
    Our site's cookie policy is designed to enhance user experience. Learn more on our Cookie Policy page.
  • 3 - User Security?
    We prioritize user security through encryption and secure data handling practices.
  • 1 - Customer Support Services?
    Reach out to our support team for assistance.
  • 2 - Platform Loading Issues?
    If experiencing platform loading issues, check your internet connection or contact our support team.
  • 3 - Local Server Implementation?
    Implement a local server for enhanced speed.
  • 4 - Recreational Space Availability?
    Enjoy recreational spaces for relaxation within the virtual environment.
  • 5 - Event Manager Role?
    Designate a manager for organizing and overseeing events.
  • 6 - Free Plan Features?
    Explore features available in our free plan.
  • 1 - Single Sign-On (SSO) Capability?
    Utilize Single Sign-On for seamless authentication.
  • 2 - Blocking Users?
    Block unwanted users for a secure virtual space.
  • 3 - Reporting Users?
    Report inappropriate behavior for timely action.
  • 4 - Banning Users?
    Implement user bans for repeated violations.
  • 5 - Session Participant Limit?
    Ensure a specified limit on the number of participants in a session.
  • 6 - Conditional Room Entry?
    Control room entry conditions, such as camera or microphone activation.
  • 7 - Entry/Exit Restrictions?
    Set restrictions on user entry and exit times for better control.
  • 8 - User Entry and Exit Management?
    Manage user entries and exits with ease.
  • 9 - Special Access Permissions?
    Grant specific access permissions to designated users.
  • 10 - Inaccessible Chat, Audio, and Video Rooms?
    Restrict access to certain chat, audio, and video rooms.
  • 1 - Session Recording?
    Record and save virtual sessions for future reference.
  • 2 - Live Streaming?
    Enjoy live streaming capabilities within the platform.
  • 3 - Audio/Video Muting Near Users?
    Prevent audio/video disruptions when close to another user.
  • 4 - Android and iOS Versions?
    We offer Android and iOS versions for mobile convenience.
  • 5 - PC Version?
    The PC version of our platform is available for desktop users.
  • 6 - Ready-Made Online Map Feature?
    Explore the ready-made online map feature for enhanced virtual experiences.
  • 7 - Custom Invitation Links?
    Personalize invitation links for a professional touch.
  • 8 - Event Statistics Report?
    Access detailed statistical reports for your events.
  • 9 - Broadcasting General Messages?
    Easily send broadcast messages to all participants.
  • 10 - Text Chat Log Reporting?
    Generate reports on text chat conversations during sessions.
  • 11 - Role Modification Access?
    Allow certain users to modify roles for flexibility.
  • 12 - Direct Guest Room Entry Link?
    Generate direct entry links for guests to join virtual rooms easily.
  • 13 - Customizing Room Space?
    Personalize your room with images, banners, and seasonal decorations for a unique touch.
  • 14 - Avatar Customization?
    Personalize your avatar for a unique virtual identity.
  • 15 - Ordering Unique Avatars?
    Order exclusive avatars for added personalization.
  • 1 - Forgot Password?
    If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot Password" on the login page for instructions to reset it.